Friday, 11 January 2013

Scientific interpretation of VASTU principles

As for my first blog, I thought I will share my findings on Vastu.

In the present day scenario, all of us would like to have a house which is most energy efficient. Considering today’s power cost and environmental awareness among all of us, it certainly makes more sense.

The natural energies that are to be taken into account are: Solar energy (for light and heat), wind energy and gravity.

Sun is vital for us on EARTH. It not only helps plants to produce food for all of us, it can also be used as an eco-friendly energy source for our daily needs. These days, it is very uncommon to find a house without a solar water heater. And, as technology advances, there will be many more ways by which we can utilise sun’s energy.

So, wondering why I am talking about SUN in a title under Vastu.. Read on....

We all know that days and nights are caused due to the Earth’s rotation on its axis. Before we proceed, we need to understand, how seasons are caused as well. There are 2 aspects:
  1. Earth’s revolution around the SUN.
  2. Earth’s axis tilt of 23.40.
The above 2 contribute equally for the seasons to be caused on Earth. For a better understanding, please refer to the figure below (courtesy Wikipedia).

Now, this is the view, from high above. Let us make it more relevant to lesser mortals like ourselves. As is evident, the two hemispheres on Earth have diagonally opposite seasons, due to the amount of sun light that falls on that hemisphere.

Let us see the movement of sun relative to a point anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Even though, the sunrises in East and sets in West every day, it is not exactly true. To understand this, a concept followed in the Hindu calendar is very useful. In the Hindu calendar, a year is divided into 2 halves with six months each. One half is called Uttarayan and the other Dakshinayan. In the six months of Uttarayan (mid-january to mid-july), the sun travels in the North direction viz., the sunrise point shifts from south-east to north-east. And, yes you are right, in the six months of Dakshinayan (mid-july to mid-january), the sun travels in the south direction viz., the sunrise point shifts from north-east back to south-east. On the days of Equinoxes, 21st March & 23rd September, the Sunrise will be exactly in East and the Sunset will be exactly in West. Let me put it in a diagram. Another point to note here is the angle of the Line of Sunrise will depend on the latitude on the Northern Hemisphere. The closer to the North Pole, the steeper the angle.  In other words, the difference between the longest day (June 21st) and shortest day (December 21st) will be more as we move towards the North Pole and least at the Equator.

Sun Rising in the Northern Hemisphere

Now, in the month of December, this is winter in Northern Hemisphere, you want to stay in that part of house which is the warmest. (Unless of course, you are ok for a big electricity bill for air-conditioning). Post afternoon, the sunlight will directly fall only on the South and West walls. In the evening, when you want to retire to bed, you would certainly like to rest in the warmest place, which is evidently the south-west corner. You can refer the figure below for illustration.

Sun Setting in the Northern Hemisphere

Another factor to consider is, during Summer, the Sunrise happens fairly early. The north-east part of the house gets really warm early in the morning. This could really disturb your sleep, especially if you had a long and tiring day. Hence, the coolest place under such situation, is the diagonally opposite south-west corner. Hence, the best place to have the Master Bedroom, where the Master of the house can have maximum comfort, is the south-west corner.

The best location for the window of the Master Bedroom is on the South side wall. By keeping the window here, we can ensure that we get direct sunlight into the room only in the Winter months. If it is located on the West wall, the harsh sunlight during the evening will come into the room even during Summer, thus making the room very hot.

It is common sense, that wherever, the Master of the house stays, he/she would like to keep their valuables there. The nearer it is, the safer it is. And how better to name this place than to name it after KUBERA (the Hindu god of Wealth). Hence, the south-west corner of the house is called KUBERA MOOLA.

Since we have fixed the Master Bedroom for the house, next we will see which is the best place for kitchen. We should consider the following:

  1. It is a place where food items are stored, hence it could attract insects.
  2. It should be warm and ample light should be there in the mornings.

Considering the above, the best place is the south-east corner.  The sunrises in the east and also during winter mornings, the sunlight falls on the south and east walls of the house. The insects which might be hiding will also come out due to the warmth of the early morning sun and can be chased away.

Hence, the south-east corner of the house where the fire god is invoked for cooking, is called the AGNI MOOLA.

Since we have the Kitchen in the south-east corner, the best place to have the bathroom and toilets are the diagonally opposite place in the north-west corner. This corner is called the VAYU MOOLA. In days, when we did not have room freshners, the cooking aroma will be filled in the house and will ensure that the odour from the toilet does not fill the house.

The north-east is called the ISHANYA MOOLA. Ideally, this place should be left empty. There is a reason for this. Since the south-west is the place where you have all the valuables, the entrance of the house, should be as far away as possible, so it should be in the north-east corner. And usually it is also recommended that this corner should be 1 or 2 feet below the house level. That is because, if there is a day, when there is unusually large amount of rain, which might lead to floods, if the north-east corner of the house gets flooded with water, the master of the house can take all the valuables from the KUBERA MOOLA and abandon the house, before it is too late.

So the final plan should like this:

The above is true for any place in the Northern Hemisphere.

Extrapolating the above logic, for Southern Hemisphere the moolas will be as under:

  • KUBERA MOOLA: North-West
  • AGNI MOOLA: North-East
  • VAYU MOOLA: South-West
  • ISHANYA MOOLA: South-East

Have you tried to read the word VASTU in reverse order... it becomes U T S A V...

Live in a house built as per VASTU and let everyday become an UTSAV!!



  1. Very good article and gives a fair idea of vasthu. you have also touched upon the practical aspects or advantages of following this princple which really breaks down the complex topic to simple facts

  2. Nice article Kannnan. To put it to more relevance for us, India is in Northern Hemisphere and the article is apt to India.
    I have a question. For the Entrance of the house, what is best suited ? Is it North-east/east/north. Which is best according to vaastu and the reasons behind that

    1. Three Cheers for an awesome article.

      Many people seek advice for a good entrance. I've seen many Vastu consultants giving answers starting from E/NE/N. It is not best according to Vastu but what is best for you. And that is dependent on various factors from the past, present & future. It is also dependent on your Birth, members in your family or your profession. Each direction brings in certain qualities in you. e.g. Valor is predominantly the quality of east best suited for Kshatriyas; Analysis is the quality of north best suited for Vaisyas or the business community; whereas hard work is the quality of West suited for Shudras. So hardworking successful workers often are seen in west facing houses; whereas those who deal with finances are seen in north facing houses or valor is needed for those politicians or consultants who are out there to change the world and naturally gravitate towards east facing houses. Thus current profession is a very simplified & a small example of a complex matrix based on various factors to determine someones entrance. So one answer fits all is not a right way to deal with this question.

      As a result such questions are best dealt by not answering.

  3. Is there any ill effects (or vice-versa) of having flood openings on the roads' curb side at northeast corner of the plot?

  4. Does this mean that it will be more appropriate to have a North to North East facing kitchen in the southern hemisphere, like in Australia

  5. I have one question, south facing houses are usually considered inauspicious, will the same applies to people living in Australia? As far as I understand in Australia, South facing houses are North facing houses for all practical purposes. South facing house means a North facing backyard which is good. Please clarify .

    1. Hi Ritu,
      The reason for me to write this blog is to elicit with an example, the thin line between superstition and science. In my opinion due to the reasons in the blog, in Australia (Southern Hemisphere) South Facing houses are better

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi I'm wondering the same for Australia.. Is South East good for entrance .. Ritu did u get a response

  8. Hi, so what about west facing house? so do we calculate pad(steps) for entrance doors & other external doors in a opposite way in Australia?

  9. Hi, so what about west facing house? so do we calculate pad(steps) for entrance doors & other external doors in a opposite way in Australia?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Not ideal to have West Facing in Australia. East or South is better.

    3. Hi

      I have south west facing house. Is it fine to have it. Obviously as I have purchased it , cant do much about it. Please suggegt.

  10. Hello Kannan, having just been introduced into Vastu I have read up a lot, only realising after that most advice is indeed given for someone living in the Northern hemisphere. What keeps me occupied is the preferred direction to sleep in with your head. Usually it is indicated North is a no go. Does this apply in Australia or is it again vice versa? Also, I wonder if there are any Vastu consultants here that you know of or someone in India that would consult here based on maybe a drawing of the house and some video material? Thank you for your reply, I appreciate your advice as I did your article.

    1. Hi, In northern hemisphere, you don't sleep in north direction because of the earth's magnetic field and that affects our body because of the north pole. In southern hemisphere, you must not sleep in south direction because of the south pole.

    2. I always have this doubt about direction. When one says "do not sleep in north direction" does it mean "do not place head in the north?(i.e when head is in north we are facing south" Or is it the opposite?

  11. Hi WUD,
    Thanks for your comment.

    Ur question is a very valid one, and it has opened my mind to think in a new direction. However, I don't have an answer.

    As for Vastu consultants.. again sorry to say I don't know. But, my idea of writing this blog was make anyone who reads it as a consultant.. was that expecting too much??

  12. I'm in trouble. I am building my house in Australia based on vastu and unfortunately I realised its not same in Southern Hemisphere.

    1. Always remember there is something higher than the physical world... Meditate.. Pray.. Vastu is just a guideline... There can be buildings.. Which are not as per vastu... Regular prayer will help...

    2. Always remember there is something higher than the physical world... Meditate.. Pray.. Vastu is just a guideline... There can be buildings.. Which are not as per vastu... Regular prayer will help...

  13. Hi Kannan, nice article! I have some questions here, if you have time to answer. I am based out if Australia.
    1. Does Vaastu apply to a rented place?
    I assume yes.
    2. What if we don't use a gas burner but an induction stove to cook? Do the directions play a role then?
    3. What if kitchen diagonally hits the south, with the induction burner in the West direction and the rest in East direction?


  14. Thanks Aparna!
    1. It does indeed... Sunrise and sunset does not depend on the house we live in...
    2. It does not matter which stove is used for heating.. The best place to have kitchen in southern hemisphere is North-east.
    3. Is the South wall inside the house or does it form the boundary?? Either ways not ideal... Induction stove in East is better...

  15. Thanks Aparna!
    1. It does indeed... Sunrise and sunset does not depend on the house we live in...
    2. It does not matter which stove is used for heating.. The best place to have kitchen in southern hemisphere is North-east.
    3. Is the South wall inside the house or does it form the boundary?? Either ways not ideal... Induction stove in East is better...

  16. Hi Kannan. We stay in australia and would like to buy a house which is south facing and has got an enterance facing south. Is this good ?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah... It's good.. In fact the best.. All the best.. Vineet.

    2. Thank you so much!! relieved now :)

  19. Hello Kannan, we reside at Brisbane in a rented apartment. Just wanted to know if a south or south-east entrance is good for us?

  20. Does the vaasthu change a little based on the latitude you are on in the Northern hemisphere?

    1. No.. however, the ill effects will vary. For eg. At he equator... the ill effects are minimal.

  21. Sorry, hit the publish too soon. The reason for my question is, if are you in the temperate regions (away from equator) you want the house to warm up with natural sun in winters and don't want to summer sun to come directly in summer. Doesn't this mean it is better to have a home that faces slightly towards south than the north?

    1. Agreed...the angle of orientation does have subtle effects. 5 degrees tilt to south does make the house warmer. However.. the summer too become hot.

    2. Just had a re-think... it should not matter which latititude you are in... but what matters is.. if your house orientation is not exactly north-south/east-west... if that tilts.. it will surely have an effect.. hope you get my point....

  22. HI My House in Sydney Australia is facing West. What remedies can I have to get rid of ill effects if any?

    1. better mail me the entire plan.. only west facing and all other moolas as per vastu.. should not have much ill effects.

  23. Hi, planning to buy a house. Have two choices one is facing south other is north. Reading your blog I am confused now based on the fact that we live in southern hamisphere (sydney). Kitchen is north east for south facing hours. Will it be ok if entrance of south facing be modified in some manner? Please advise.

  24. Go for the south facing one... north east kitchen is perfect for southern hemisphere... no modifications required....

  25. Thanks to your blog post , I was able to guide my cousin who is residing in Australia to select the property facing South.

  26. Hi kanan,
    We are staying in southern hemisphere (sydney). We bought a land which faces east. We can't place the kitchen at the north east(NE) position because here people prefer to have kitchen at the back of ur house(facing west in our land) instead of front.

    Could u please suggest an alternative location for kitchen and masterbedroom as per southern hemisphere home vastu.

  27. There is a concept of basti with opening in the middle of the house... They are called as gundi or thotti mane in Kannada. For this the ideal location for kitchen is south west....

  28. Read basti as vastu... Above...

    Also.. master bedroom should be in South-east...

    1. Hi kannan, thank you for your quick response and apolizes i couldn't reply you earlier. I thought of to actually go to our land once again and check the exact direction :).
      My land is located in Australia. (Southern hemisphere)
      I checked the direction of the land it is in 120 degree SE. So we can build the kitchen either on NE Or SW direction. But the master bedroom is in upstairs which is more towards SE To E (with in NE ) position. Even the bathroom on the upstair is not on the top of kitchen.

      As per the plan hard to change the master bedroom position which is in SE to E direction. But i can swap the kitchen either in NE or SW direction.

      Could you please advise what would be the ideal location of the kitchen if the bedroom and the bathroom are more between SE to E direction.

      I can forward you the plan in case you need it. Appriciate your response on my query.

      Have a good day.

  29. Hi kannan, thank you for your quick response and apolizes i couldn't reply you earlier. I thought of to actually go to our land once again and check the exact direction :).

    I checked the direction of the land it is in 120 degree SE. So we can build the kitchen either on NE Or SW direction. But the master bedroom is in upstairs which is more towards SE To E (with in NE ) position. Even the bathroom on the upstair is not on the top of kitchen.

    As per the plan hard to change the master bedroom position which is in SE to E direction. But i can swap the kitchen either in NE or SW direction.

    Could you please advise what would be the ideal location of the kitchen if the bedroom and the bathroom are more between SE to E direction.

    I can forward you the plan in case you need it. Appriciate your response on my query.

    Have a good day.

  30. As mentioned in my earlier post. My land is in Australia (southern hemisphere)

  31. Hi Kannan,
    Could u please response on my recently posted query.
    Thanks in advance.

  32. Hi Pooja,

    Yes I am aware that u are in Australia. As discussed in one of the earlier comments, the best results with Vastu, is with having an exact orientation, viz 0 & 180 degress for North South. If that is not the case, then I would suggest, go as per your convenience and go ahead. Sorry, but this is the best option.

  33. What about for Ecuador? It falls in north, south, west hemispheres!

  34. Hi Kannan,

    I am staying in Melbourne and have an east-facing plot. Please help me find which of the plans are suitable:


    North-east: Garage
    South-East- Master Bedroom
    North-West - Verandah
    South-West- 2nd Bedroom
    North- Kitchen & Living
    South -3rd Bedroom
    West- 4th Bedroom
    East- Entrance


    North-east: Garage
    South-East- Master Bedroom
    South-West - Verandah
    North-West- 2nd Bedroom
    South- Kitchen & Living
    Nouth -3rd Bedroom
    West- 4th Bedroom
    East- Entrance

    1. 2nd Plan is better. However, try to shift Master Bedroom to North West.

    2. Thanks a lot for your reply. I really appreciate your kind efforts in helping people.

      I hope you don't mind me asking further questions:

      1) If I go with Plan 1, what are the major defects and is there a way to reduce the effect of those.

      2) Also, with Plan 2, shifting the Master bedroom is really difficult. Can i do some remedies for not having master bedroom in west?

      3) Are remedies to Vastu useful and scientific?

      4) Also, if I can email the exact picture of the plans to you somewhere and know your opinion in more details.

      5) Do you have any more articles through which I can go through..

      Thanks again in advance :)

  35. Hi Annie,

    Thanks for your kind words.

    In my opinion, the remedies are not of great help but can reduce the bad effects. I am afraid, I dont have any other articles and currently I dont have the time for detailed opinion.

  36. Hi Kannan

    We are planning to buy a south facing plot to construct our residence in Australia. The plot is sloping from North to South. Will that be vastu compliant?

    1. Apologies for the late response... Yes.. slope from north to south is good in Southern Hemisphere

  37. Hi Kannan, Where should be the Puja room in southern hemisphere. If we consider Position of Himalayas.

    1. I dont think we need to consider position of Himalayas..

  38. Hi Kannan,

    Thanks for your enlightening article.

    Could you please tell me about the slope of land in countries like Australia which comes in the southern hemisphere. Like in India it is the northeast should be the lowest point and south west the highest, how do you think it applies in Australia.

    Which direction is best suited to put your head to sleep in Australia.

    Thank you!


    1. If you see the moolas.. you can apply the same principles... Kubera moola should be higher, Ishanya the lowest...

      Umm.. going by that.. placing the head towards north or west would be suitable.

  39. Hi Kannan,

    Your article was refreshing and gave a different perspective. We recently brought a house in Sydney and the entrance is in South East. From what we have read in this article, this is a good direction to have the main entrance. Please confirm.

    Now we have another query, which direction should we facing when cooking or using the stove. Please advise.I can send you a copy of our house plan if you wish to look into.

    Many thanks for helping folks like us.


    1. Hi Bharat, thanks for your comments. East is a good direction to face.

    2. South east is good for main entrance. and East facing while cooking is good.

  40. Dear Kannan,

    An excellent article and must read for people thinking of applying vastu in southern hemisphere as we have been simply following same vastu practice here as in India. Just few questions:

    1. Does plot shape matter like rectagular/square VS irregular (trapezium) shape.
    2. If irregular shape is a concern, then would it be fine to a have house build on this land in rectangular/square shape.

    1. Yes, it matters. best is to have rectangular and square shape plots. if that is not the case, the house being built should be in rectangular/square shape. else at least, the living spaces, rooms inside the house must be rectangular/square shape.

  41. How to find northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere easily its very confusing. Kindly reply

    1. Buy a globe.. equator divides the hemisphere...

  42. Hi kannan.

    I live in Australia, we have house main entrance facing south west. What is the impact ?
    Kitchen is in southwest n toilet and living is in north east.

    1. Not ideal to talk about impact without looking at the full plan.

    2. Hi Kannan, I live in melbourne and i have recently purchased a townhouse with main entrance in west. My issue is that the land of my house has down slope in south and west direction. Can you pl advise if this is fine for our family.

  43. Hi kanan

    Please provide your email address


  45. Thank you kannan. Sent you details.

  46. Check out..

  47. Excellent post kannan . I am planning to build house in Melbourne and liked plan with below details

    North east : master bedroom
    North west : garage
    South west : child bedroom
    Centre of house : kitchen and living
    South east : alfresco

    Can you please advise if it’s all good for Vastu or any remedies to be taken

    1. I would recommend flipping the Master Bedroom and Garage if possible. The location of Alfresco and Child Bedroom are ideal. All the best!!

  48. Hello Kannan, I have emailed you my plan. Could you have a look and get back please

  49. Hi Kannan,
    I am building my new home in Adelaide South Australia. I have already purchased a hammer head land facing east. I need some detail ideas on vastu. Can you also let me know where should I email my plans to you & get your expert advise.

  50. My name is Pourash Wadia & posted the above comment.

  51. Hi Kannan,
    Really appreciate all the info that you are giving in this blog.Got so much of knowledge because of that.
    I have emailed you one house plan which we are planning to buy. Could you please please help by checking if that looks ok for Sydney. Thanks a lot for your help.

  52. Nice informative Blog Kannan

  53. Hi Kannan,

    Nice blog, Keep up the awareness

    I have sent you an email, would you be able to help? Please !


  54. Hi Kanan
    Southwest entrance is good , for Australia?

    1. Hi Hema - did you finally buy this property with SW entrance?

  55. Hi Kannan,

    Great article..

    Have a question for you, I have some interest in property which is facing south but at T point in front of no through road. T faces around 60% of the front starting from south-east corner of the property. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance

  56. Hi Kannan, have sent you an email for building in Southern hemisphere (sydney) if you can assist please

  57. Hi Kannan, Based on the blog,, it is understood that vastu is based on the direction in which sun rises. Whether it is southern or northern hemisphere, sun still raises in EAST. How can we then say that vastu is different in these 2 hemispheres?

  58. Hi Kannan, Thanks for your blog.I have sent you a email for your suggestion couple of house plans. Could you please provide your valuable inputs.

  59. Hi Kannan Awesome explained thanks a lot but I m in Australia so can you please give me some tips or can I have your mobile number thanks

  60. Hello Kannan,Great Article.Just a quick question about southern hemisphere. The ideal placement of Moolas is explained for southern hemisphere,if that is the case then which is the best direction for facing of the house in the southern hemisphere.(as per ideal order).

    Is the facing of the house more important than the ideal placement of Moolas in Vastu (as given above for southern hemisphere) in any given scenario.

  61. Hi kanan

    I am planning to buy block in adelaide Australia south facing, is it good. I need your consultation whike drawing the floor plan

  62. Hi Kannan,

    Thanks so much for your blog. We live in Melbourne, Australia and we're looking at buying a bigger home and currently the one we've seen is an follows:

    Ground floor:
    South facing entrance.
    1 bedroom in south west
    Kitchen in northwest
    Outdoor area in North

    Top floor:
    Staircase in south east
    1 room in south west
    1 room in North west
    1 in north east.

    We're wondering whether the entrance is auspicious. Which room we should occupy as a couple and which one may be used for guests / children in the future.

    You're help will greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

  63. My house is already built.Please tell south facing swimming pool is good in Australia? If not then could you please suggest some solutions thanks

  64. Hi Kannan...we are looking for house to buy which is North facing, with Master bedroom on North East. Can we consider this property?

  65. Hi Kanan,

    I am going to build new house in Melbourne and all plans comes with Main entrance facing North west, would you please advice, is it good??

    1. Please avoid north west..

    2. Thank you Kannan πŸ™
      One more thing what about the north east entrance In Melbourne??

  66. Hi Kannan,

    I live in Melbourne and sleep in the north west bedroom. I am having issues finding a suitable life partner and find it extremely hard to make decisions. The kitchen is in the south-east, bathroom in south west, and entrance to the house is in north east. Can you suggest some remedies. Thanks a lot

  67. Hi Kannan,

    Thank you so much for your post . It is surely helping a lot of people. I leave in Sydney and facing lot of problem in Job. Please suggest some remedies as below is my house plan. Will really appreciate your help with some remedies . Thanks a lot

    Entrance - North East
    Living and Hall - North East and East
    Kitchen - South East
    Children room - South
    Master Bed - South West
    Garage - North west
    Guest bedroom - North / NW
    Toilet - West , WC facing east

  68. Hi Kannan,

    Please response .I am looking forward for your response on my above query if not I am looking for simple remedies like color of the each section , which wall to hang clock and mirror. where to keep the water fountain or blue collar water bottle with money plant in it all those small remedies for Southern Hemisphere


  69. Hi Kannan ,
    It’s a pretty good article and so south east facing in Australia is a better facing house ?

  70. Hi Kannan ,
    It’s a pretty good article and so south east facing in Australia is a better facing house ?

  71. Hi Kannan,

    I am very surprised to have found your blog while searching for a solution to my problem. I liked a block that is a quadrangle where the corners of the block points to ordinal directions. However the side of west to south is longer than north to East. Is this extension of west to south being larger than north to east good?

    Here is my plan
    North west : master bedroom Upstairs head position north. Terrace in front of master on top of kitchen
    North east: kitchen facing east
    East: Entrance
    South East: Formal living to the right of entrance facing into house and to the left pooja and garage
    South West : guest bedroom, downstairs
    West : children bedrooms, upstairs. Alfresco downstairs
    West to south line: swimming pool
    North: living and dining
    Staircase: from family living area on the north
    Slope: sloping from North west to South East

    Could you please help me decide if I am placing all rooms in the appropriate position!

  72. Hi Kannan, how do you figure out what direction different rooms of the house face? How do u divide ur house into the different quadrangles? I believe my front door faces the west north.

  73. Hi Kannan,

    Could you please advise main entrance in North west -329 NNW or south 120' ESE is good . I am based in Melbourne Australia. Also advise main entrance to be avoided in southern hemisphere ?



  74. Hi kanan my toilet is in northeast should it be a problem? East is kitchen

  75. M in new zealand and entrance in east and west

  76. Hi Kannan
    I m in Australia I wanted to know if it’s ok to buy a land that is slipping downwards ..

  77. Hi I am in Monaco πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨ Monte Carlo
    Are the principles of Vatsu opposed in each Hemisphere!

    Getting mixed information

  78. Dear Kannan,
    Please advice on this.
    If there is a cut in South West of a house in Australia , is this a vastu defect? Will this cause sudden accidents, heart attacks, paralytic attacks or death to the owner?
    If this is bad what can be done to minimise it?
    Much appreciated your expert advise on thisπŸ™πŸΌ

  79. Dear kannan

    We have a North east facing lot in melbourne.
    Could you please let me know the location for master bedroom in it.
    Can we have it in NE Corner of 1st floor ??
