I am intrigued whenever I think of the 7 chakras and the kundalini awakening. Who isn’t? I am certain that, each and everyone of us
would have had an unforgettable experience in our lives with regards to that.
The 7 chakras are (courtesy google):
In this blog, I want to talk about the 7 dimensions that we
live our lives in and would like to bring in the parallels with the 7 chakras
and my experiences with them.
When an individual is born, there are 2 chakras which are
active, Muladhara and Svadhistana. This I want to draw a parallel to the 2
excretory organs. This function happens from the day we are born. These 2
dimensions, can be likened to the X & Y axes in a 2-dimension graph.
The next logical step for the 3rd dimension is
the Z-axis. This concept is a bit tricky to understand as a young kid. I know
how I struggled in my First Semester engineering drawing. This is also the time
when we are encountered with the 3rd chakra, Manipura. All of us
would have experienced this when we reach the age of puberty, the activation of
our sexual organs.
Today, we all know what is going to be the 4th
dimension.. TIME. This is related to our heart and mind. This chakra, Anahata
is the 4th and its location is the heart.
The 5th chakra is Vishudda, and it is located at
the throat. When we cry or laugh with lot of involvement, usually the throat
gets tired. And this is the chakra for feelings. So, the 5th dimension
The 6th chakra is Ajna and it is located in the
centre of the forehead, in between the eyes. When you think, your thoughts come
out of here. The 6th dimension is THOUGHT.
The 7th chakra is Sahasrara. This is located at
the top of the head and it covers the whole head. In our life, this dimension
can be likened to RELATIONSHIPS. The first and most important is MOTHER. This
signifies TRUTH. Next is Father, signified by TRUST. Third is GURU for KNOWLEDGE.
And there can be many… spouse, children, friends, colleagues, strangers… it can
go to thousands. Perhaps, that’s why this chakra is called SAHASRARA, in Sanskrit,
SAHASRA = 1000.